Dr. Velazquez is the Vascular Fellowship Director and a faculty member at Wake Forest Health. She graduated from Universidad de Guadalajara in Guadalajara, Mexico, then completed a general surgery residency at Emory University and a vascular surgery fellowship at the University of Florida. Throughout her journey to becoming a vascular surgeon, Dr. Velazquez has demonstrated extraordinary resilience as well as tremendous passion for her field and her family.

In this episode, Dr. Velazquez discusses the challenges she faced becoming a vascular surgeon, especially as a woman of color, and subsequently trying to balance her family-life and career. Interviewed by Dr. Amanda Fobare, also a recent Emory graduate and a current Emory vascular fellow, and Jessica Liu, our WISER director and general surgery PGY4, Dr. Velazquez emphasizes the importance of a supportive work environment in regard to improving diversity within vascular surgery as well as starting a family. She also describes how the support of her colleagues was crucial in dealing with a loved ones’ unexpected cancer diagnosis.
Editor: Rachel Slappy
Producer: Alex Speak
Art: Virginia Wang